06 October 2023

A deep dive into material science: SIESTA School 2023

The MAX Centre of Excellence has just launched the CECAM Flagship School - “First Steps with SIESTA: from Zero to Hero”. Held from the 2nd to the 6th of October 2023, the online event marks a significant milestone in the ongoing journey to foster the application and understanding of the SIESTA code in both academic and industrial landscapes. The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has joined forces with CECAM and MAX to organise this training event.

With a curriculum designed to transform novices into adept users of the SIESTA method, participants from diverse disciplines converge in a virtual space to hone their skills. Guided by SIESTA developers and experts, the attendees immerse themselves in an intensive learning experience, exploring the theoretical foundations and practical applications of this versatile tool in material science. The school, though intensive, is tailored to accommodate the varied learning paces of participants. The autonomous work format allows for a personalized learning experience. Rich content, drawn from the Siesta Project Documentation site and augmented by hands-on sessions on HPC systems at the BSC, will enrich the learning journey.

Those who are not able attend, can still glean insights from the 2021 edition’s lectures, a reservoir of knowledge that remains highly relevant. But fear not, more learning opportunities are coming.

On next November 13th-17th, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), will host the TranSIESTA (+ TBtrans + sisl) School 2023. This event promises to be another enlightening experience, offering a deep dive into the advanced features of SIESTA and unraveling the mysteries of quantum materials modelling.

SIESTA stands as a lighthouse code in the vast ocean of quantum materials modelling. Its evolution, marked by enhancements and the integration of specialized libraries, attests to the relentless pursuit of excellence by the team behind it. The modular approach, agility, and efficiency that now characterize SIESTA have opened new frontiers in linear-scaling simulations.

The MAX Centre of Excellence remains committed to fostering an ecosystem where knowledge, innovation, and discovery in material science thrive. We are at the forefront of Europe's leadership in quantum-mechanical materials simulations, and we invite you to be part of this exciting journey. Stay tuned for more events, workshops, and learning opportunities that aim to bridge the gap between theory and application, academia, and industry.