We investigate a well defined heterostructure constituted by magnetic Fe layers sandwiched between graphene (Gr) and Ir(111). The challenging task to avoid Fe-C solubility and Fe-Ir intermixing has been achieved with atomic controlled Fe intercalation at moderate temperature below 500 K. Upon intercalation of a single ordered Fe layer in registry with the Ir substrate, an intermixing of the Gr bands and Fe d states breaks the symmetry of the Dirac cone, with a downshift in energy of the apex by about 3 eV, and well-localized Fe intermixed states induced in the energy region just below the Fermi level. First principles electronic structure calculations show a large spin splitting of the Fe states, resulting in a majority spin channel almost fully occupied and strongly hybridized with Gr π states. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism on the Gr/Fe/Ir heterostructure reveals an ordered spin configuration with a ferromagnetic response of Fe layer(s), with enhanced spin and orbital configurations with respect to the bcc-Fe bulk values. The magnetization switches from a perpendicular easy magnetization axis when the Fe single layer is lattice matched with the Ir(111) surface to a parallel one when the Fe thin film is almost commensurate with graphene.
C. Cardoso, G. Avvisati, P. Gargiani, M. Sbroscia, M.S. Jagadeesh, C. Mariani, D.A. Leon Valido, D. Varsano, A. Ferretti, and M.G. Betti, Magnetic response and electronic states of well defined Graphene/Fe/Ir(111) heterostructure, Phys. Rev. Materials 5, 014405 (2020)
©2020 American Physical Society