The high level support service aims at providing MAX users the ways to exploit, at the best, the software tools in the materials domain. This includes:
support for the users on the most suitable code/application and on the best choice of the parameters and configuration to run their calculations in order to obtain the best performances;
ad-hoc solutions for users, possibly comprising code development. The feasibility of such requests has to be evaluated together with the representatives of each MAX code;
dedicated consulting and support for the development of new features in MAX codes. This may happen with the help of visits in a MAX lab, possibly supported through the HPC-Europa3 project. The feasibility has to be evaluated together with the appropriate MAX team.
MAX will try to support all users. For requests that involve a major effort, a dedicated agreement (and a fee) may be requested.
To ask for high level consultancy, please fill the form. Your request will be evaluated by the first level support and, if needed, it will be forwarded to the representatives of each code.