We support MAX users in exploiting container technologies for MAX codes on HPC systems. Singularity is typically used as container for HPC from all MAX partners.
Support for container technology can be requested via the central MAX support at support@max-centre.eu, or through the standard channels of the various MAX codes.
Explore the container technologies available for each MAX flagship code!
The MAX repository on DockerHub, with some of the most recent developments, is available here: https://hub.docker.com/u/maxcentre
URL: https://ngc.nvidia.com/catalog/containers/hpc:quantum_espresso
Technology: docker, Singularity
Main use: HPC production runs, deployment
Containers for this flagship code will be soon released.
URL: https://hub.docker.com/r/maxcentre/yambo
Technology: docker, Singularity
Main use: HPC production runs, deployment
This container has been developed outside the MaX consortium.
HPCCM recipe: https://github.com/BigDFT-group/ContainerXP/blob/master/hpccm/hpccm_lsim-mpi.py
Technology: docker, HPCCM
Main use: development, building of the runtime image
URL: https://hub.docker.com/r/bigdft/runtime
HPCCM recipe: https://github.com/BigDFT-group/ContainerXP/blob/master/hpccm/hpccm_lsim-bigdft.py
Technology: docker, HPCCM (Singularity, Shifter)
Main use: HPC production runs, deployment