February 11 marked the International Day of Women and Girls in Science , a day dedicated to...
School on Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials Research.
The European Centres of Excellence collectively affirmed their commitment to fostering an inclusive environment in High-Performance Computing and related fields at HiPEAC25, the premier European forum for experts in advanced systems and technology.
MaX is pleased to announce the release of SIESTA 5.2.2 incorporating new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
More details about this event will be available soon. Visit this page again for the latest updates.
Excited states in complex materials by MBPT methods.
MaX proudly contributed to the success of HiPEAC by hosting two special workshops on female talent and leadership.
MaX is sponsoring the AI4AM2025 International Conference and invites the materials and computer...
X. Gong and A. Dal Corso
I. Mas Magre, R. Grima Torres, J. M. Cela Espín, and J. J. Gutiérrez Moreno
R. Reho, N. Wittemeier, A.H. Kole, O. Ordejon, and Z. Zanolli
X. Gong and A. Dal Corso
‘Supercomputing in Europe’ brings together voices from across Europe offering their perspectives on the disruptive technologies that are shaping our future.
HiPEAC gathers professionals from industry, research, and policy to promote R&D in computer architecture and computing systems in Europe.
Surrounded by the cultural heritage of Bremen, MaX partners engaged in two intensive days of discussions on deployment, benchmarking, and profiling.
Produced within the framework of CASTIEL2 “Code of the Month” series.
MaX partner IT4Innovations will attend the SC24 - T he International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis.
Organized by MaX, IJS, SISSA, in collaboration with NCC Croatia, within the framework of the “Croatian HPC Competence Center Day”.
An immersive experience, featuring plenaries and parallel sessions, as well as special sessions for users where to discuss best practices, challenges, and the evolving needs of the HPC community.
MaX released its Performance and Scalability brochure, gathering the latest results of the MaX lighthouse codes in achieving outstanding performance and scaling on different types of EuroHPC architectures.