We offer a basic support assistance for requests in the materials science domain.

  • Evaluation of the performance of MAX codes (and also some other codes in material science domain) on different architectures;
  • Analysis of a MAX code that behaves differently from documentation (e.g. algorithm not converging);
  • Bug-fixing of problems due to a specific code implementation, e.g. GPU, MPI, OpenMP versions;
  • Selection of the best code parameters to minimise the time to solution; support in the usage of different releases of MAX codes (user guidance about new vs deprecated features).

All issues that are not specific to the HPC materials domain are forwarded to other support services available in the European HPC system (e.g. HPC centres and PRACE AISBL).

To ask for MAX help desk support, please send requests by e-mail to support@max-centre.eu.

This is currently operated through the CINECA tts system: a ticket will be opened in a queue dedicated to MAX and will be answered as soon as possible.