Deadline for applications:


A post-doctoral and A software engineer position

A post-doctoral and A software engineer position will soon be available at IOM-CNR, Trieste, Italy, funded by the MaX – Materials at the exascale EU Horizon2020 Centre of Excellence.
Both positions are fixed-term, initially for one year, renewable for another year.

The successful candidates must have a PhD in science, research experience in computer simulations and in scientific software programming.
Experience with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations, especially with the plane wave-pseudopotential method, is a plus. 

The successful candidates will work on the Quantum ESPRESSO software distribution, notably in one or more of the following fields, depending upon his/her skill set: 

  • developments of new methods and algorithms for advanced DFT functionals; 
  • reorganisation and modularisation of the code basis, notably for first-principle molecular dynamics, linear response, computational spectroscopy; 
  • porting of QUantum ESPRESSO  new heterogeneous accelerated architectures (e.g., GPUs); 
  • improvement of Quantum ESPRESSO user experience, users’ and developers’ documentation, testing. 

The work requires coordination and interactions with the Quantum ESPRESSO users’ and developers’ community and with the activities of MaX EU Center of Excellence. 

Interested candidates are invited to contact Paolo Giannozzi