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“Introduction to Arm SVE and Gem5 simulator” - Javier Setoain, ARM, 16 April 2019
”Enabling SVE evaluation with ARM instruction Emulator” - Daniel Ruiz, ARM
, 18 April 2019
Arm Research is contributing to MaX "Co-Design” Work Package (WP4). As part of its involvement, Arm has organised these two webinars on key technologies relevant to both WP4 objectives and EU Exascale plans.
The first talk introduced the Arm Scalable Vector Extension (SVE) and the open-source gem5 simulation environment. The second talk provided an introduction to the Arm Instruction Emulator (ArmIE) and an associated methodology to evaluate the impact of SVE in the absence of SVE-enabled hardware. The co-design use-case presented was the High-Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG).
Welcome and introduction - Filippo Spiga, ARM
April 16th from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm (UK time), “Introduction to Arm SVE and Gem5 simulator” - Javier Setoain, ARM
April 18th from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm (UK time), ”Enabling SVE evaluation with ARM instruction Emulator” - Daniel Ruiz, ARM
Filippo Spiga, Staff Research Engineer ARM ResearchArm Research
Filippo has recently joined Arm to lead and contribute in the effort of HW-SW co-design looking in particular at large scale HPC workloads and real HPC applications. Prior Arm, he worked for 5 years at Research Computing Services of the University of Cambridge as head of Research Software Engineering. He has been developing and contributing to the optimization of HPC codes in various fields (mainly physics, chemistry and engineering) for more than 8 years. He has been a long-term contributor to QUANTUM ESPRESSO.
Javier Setoain, Senior Research Engineer, Arm Research
Javier Setoain is currently a Senior Research Engineer within the Software and Large-Scale Systems group in Arm Research, where he's been in charge of Arm's contribution to the H2020 project M2DC, he's been involved in modelling and evaluation of Arm's vector extensions, and compiler research. On top of his over 10 years of research experience, Javier has collaborated with the industry developing a biometric system for face recognition, embedded software for a fleet of satellite monitored buoys, and an IP telephony system over a satellite network. He also has over two years of experience as a software engineer in the Telecom department of Atos Spain.
Daniel Ruiz, Senior Research Engineer, Arm Research
Daniel Ruiz is a Research Engineer in Arm Research working in the Software and Large-Scale Systems group. He focuses on application analysis, optimization and parallelization using the Scalable Vector Extension, being an example of his work the open-source Arm-optimized version of HPCG. Before joining Arm, he administered and evaluated different Arm-based HPC clusters within the European Mont-Blanc 1 and 2 projects at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.
Thanks for joining the MaX and ARM webinar. Watch the recorded webinar videos and download the slides now!