Date: 12 May 2024 to 16 May 2024

ISC High Performance 2024 - REINVENTING HPC - will connect public and industry users and technology developers in Hamburg (DE) from May 12 – 16, 2024.

As one of the most important events for HPC, machine learning, data analytics and quantum computing in Europe, ISC 2024 comprises a conference (including invited, contributed and vendor talks) and an exhibition. Experts in their chosen fields are coming together to present a program that benefits the HPC community ..and MaX will be part of it!

Don't miss the chance to get in touch with MaX!

1. Stop by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Booth (J30)
Together with other European CoEs in HPC, MAX will be featured within the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Booth (J30). Our partner Nicola Spallanzani (CNR-Nano, IT) will represent MaX and distribute our informative flyer. Meet him on Tuesday May 14 from 16.45 to 17.15. A video on MaX activities will be shown during the whole conference.

2. Stop by the IT4I - Innovations National Supercomputing Center Booth (J22)
MaX will also be featured @ booth J22 hosted by our partners IT4I - Innovations National Supercomputing Center. There, as well, you will find a flyer, a poster and a video presenting MaX. 

  1. 3. Attend the "Workshop on Readiness of HPC Extreme-scale Applications" - May 16, 2024, from 2 to 6 p.m. Hall Y10 - 2nd floor
    Nicola Spallanzani (CNR-Nano, IT) will represent MaX and discuss together with the other panelists about HPC applications.  


"In November 2022 the first ExaFLOPS supercomputer appeared in the Top500 list, after many years of pursuing the exa-scale goal, and several more are expected within the next year. Now is the time for application software to demonstrate its readiness for extreme-scale computer systems composed from large assemblies of a heterogeneous variety of CPU processors and GPU accelerators. Europe has been addressing this challenge for the last eight years through its Centres of Excellence (CoEs) for HPC applications, funded to greatly extend the scalability of a large selection of HPC codes and improve their efficiency and performance.>> says Spallanzani (CNR-Nano, IT).

<<To broaden this discussion to a larger community, this ISC workshop has been organised to provide a forum to consider common challenges, ideas, solutions, and opportunities from the point of view of HPC applications developers preparing for exa-scale. ISC is the leading HPC conference in Europe, gathering not only the main HPC vendors and providers but also developers and standardizing committees from programming models, compilers, and other system software. However, we still need one of the key players in this ecosystem, the HPC applications! With this workshop, we seek to cover this gap and expand the ISC conference to HPC code developers>> concludes Spallanzani.


Preliminary workshop agenda:

14.00 Welcome & Introduction to workshop (Marta García-Gasulla, BSC & Brian J. N. Wylie, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich Supercomputing Centre)

14.45 Presentations

  • “Neko” (Niclas Jansson, KTH/S)
  • “Performance portable and scalable particulate flow simulations using the waLBerla framework” (Harald Köstler, FAU/D)
  • “GROMACS” (Szilárd Páll, KTH/S)
  • “Deploying your software just once for all EuroHPC supercomputers is EESSI” (Lara Peeters, UGhent/B)
  • “Exascale for mid-scale applications” (Simon Burbidge, DiRAC/UK)

16.00 Break

16.30 Keynote: “The Exascale Computing Project: Outcomes and Lessons Learned” (Lois Curfman McInnes, ANL)

17.00 Panel discussion with European HPC applications CoEs (moderator: Guy Lonsdale, Scapos/D; panelists: to be announced soon)

17.45 Wrap (Garcia & Wylie)

18.00 Adjourn


Other MaX partners will be @ ISC24:

Eviden - platinum sponsor (booth K30); E4 Computer Engineering - bronze sponsor; SiPearl - bronze sponsor (booth L22); Barcelona Supercomputing Center - BSC (booth L30); Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives - CEA (booth H01); Jülich Supercomputing Centre (booth K02).


The complete description of the event is available @