14 May to 15 May
Follow up - MaX Webinar on Quantum...The first Webinar of the MAX series on Flagship codes took place on the 13th of May, addressing the...
27 May
MaX WEBINAR on AiiDAOnline
| MAX EventsThe second webinar series of the MAX flagship codes entitled "Managing, simplifying and disseminating High-...
13 May to 04 June
MaX WebinarsMaX is organizing a series of webinars presenting the most recent developments of the ...
04 May to 08 May
First-principles simulations of mat...Faculty...
| MaX WorkshopNEWS: The school First-principles simulations of materials with SIESTA, initially scheduled in Prague...
27 April to 30 April
Digital Learning for Electronic Str...EPFL (...
| MAX TrainingNEWS: The "Digital Learning for Electronic Structure Theory Codes" School, initially scheduled in...
13 May
WEBINAR: How to use Quantum ESPRESS...Description and scope:
New HPC clusters based on accelerators will soon enter the production phase. These machines are...
08 April to 30 April
Fireside chats for lockdown times:...3 public live webinars "Fireside chats for lockdown times: A gentle introduction to density-functional theory" ...
The school "Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials using the Yambo code" was held at the International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP)...
The accurate prediction of the time-to-solution required by massively parallel scientific codes is a key goal in HPC. It allows...
15 April
DFT and GW towards the exascale: po...MaX developers are working to support the European HPC community. As of today,...