04 February
Lead Towards Transition to eXascale...Prof. Elisa Molinari, MaX Director at CNR Nano at Modena in Italy, the...
18 February
MaX: Contributing in Strengthening...MaX Centre for Material Design to eXascale will be part of the first ...
28 January
A Centre for Molecular Modelling fo...Prof. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of...
21 May to 24 May
Tutorial on writing reproducible wo...EPFL,...
Tutorial on writing reproducible workflows for computational materials science @EPFLwill be held on 21-24 May 2019 in EPFL.
14 January
Postdoctoral Position Openings @CNR...Several postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze, Modena (IT...
25 March to 29 March
AiiDA plugins migration workshop @E...EPFL
An AiiDA plugin migration workshop will...
18 January
EMMC free webinar on Friday, Januar...WEBINAR
| WebinarA learning opportunity offered by the European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC), free webinar...
15 January
PASC19: deadline for paper submissi...PASC19 is the sixth edition of the PASC Conference series, an international...
07 January to 08 January
The 2019 Quantum ESPRESSO developers' meeting will be held in...