
11 June to 14 June

NanoInnovation 2019


| MAX Events

One of the most relevant event ever in nanotechnologies is ...


01 July to 31 August

PRACE Summer school of HPC 2019


| National Events

PRACE Summer of HPC is a...


08 June

Yambo: The code at the service of S...

One of the MaX flagship code, Yambo is an ab-initio code for calculating quasiparticle energies and optical properties of electronic systems...


25 February

Harmonized Communication and Dissem...

Silvana Muscella, CEO & founder of Trust-IT Services, one of...

PASC19 Conference


25 March

PASC19 Conference

Dr. Zelia Zanolli a “Chemistry and Materials” domain co-chair of the papers program committee will be presenting MaX during the...

ARM Quote


27 March

Bring Computer Architecture Experts...

Filippo Spiga is key members of MaX from ARM enthusiastically share their contribution and how...



02 April

Lavoisier Discussion on “Quantum Si...

LAVOISIER discussions on “Quantum Simulation” will be held from 8-9 of May 2019, in ICN2 (Bellaterra, Barcelona).

MaX Code Suite


05 April

MaX Code Suite leads the innovative...

The principal MaX’s code suites are: Quantum Espresso, Fleur, Siesta, Yambo, CP2K, BIGDFT, Sirius and AiiDA.

Job at EPFL


05 April

One post-doctoral position open at...

An outstanding candidate is sought with a background in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, or materials science/engineering) alongside...

CECAM Summer School


05 April

CECAM Summer School on Classical Mo...

DATE: June 10 - June 21 2019, Sissa-Trieste | Italy
The School is primarily intended for undergraduate students in Physics or Chemistry who...

Many-body perturbation theory calculations


09 April

Many-body perturbation theory calcu...

A paper describing the developments in the Yambo code over the last ten years has just been published in the ...
