13 March
MaX Newsletter #7 - Enabling fronti...Dear Readers,
Welcome to the first MaX Newsletter issue of 2025. In this...
13 March
Boosting collective communications...MaX team achieves a significant performance improvement in the collective communications of Quantum...
Connecting HPC, Quantum & AI Communities: MaX Centre of Excellence...
09 June to 13 June
School on Machine Learning for Mole...Zadar,...
| MaX WorkshopSchool on Machine Learning for Molecules and Materials Research.
12 February
Turning Red into Blue: Closing the...While the presence of women in science has steadily...
10 February
United to Celebrate Women and Girls...The European Centres of Excellence collectively affirmed their commitment to fostering an inclusive environment...
07 February
SIESTA 5.2.2 has been released!MaX is pleased to announce the release of SIESTA 5.2.2 incorporating new features, improvements, and bug fixes...
02 June to 05 June
Advanced SIESTA Workshop 2025Barcelona...
| MaX WorkshopAdvanced SIESTA Workshop 2025.
31 December
"Use-case" tutorial about...More details about this event will be available soon. Visit this page again for the latest updates.
19 May to 23 May
Excited states in complex materials...Modena (...
| MAX TrainingExcited states in complex materials by MBPT methods.
24 January
European Centres of Excellence prom...MaX proudly contributed to the success of HiPEAC by hosting two...