12 June to 14 June
MPI and OpenMP in Scientific Softwa...MaX joins this advanced MPI/OpenMP course, organized by...
31 May
Modular structure to enhance effici...A paper recently published in the Royal Society Open Science journal discusses the...
16 May to 19 May
Workshop on Frontiers in Excited St...ICTP...
MaX partners are attending the ICTP "Workshop on Frontiers in Excited State Electronic Structure Methods: from Spectroscopy to Photochemistry...
02 October to 06 October
First steps with SIESTA: from zero...online
| MAX TrainingSIESTA [1,2] is a multipurpose density-functional code able to perform efficient...
28 August to 01 September
Advanced Quantum ESPRESSO school: H......
| MAX TrainingDensity functional theory (DFT) is nowadays the main tool for computational modeling of realistic materials from...
08 May to 12 May
All electron DFT with fleur...
| MAX TrainingDensity functional theory (DFT) is the de facto standard for the ab-initio prediction of ground-state electronic, magnetic, and structural...
28 April
Efficient many-body perturbation th...Zoom event
| WebinarOn Friday April 28 at 2pm CEST, Alberto Guandalini from the University of Rome La Sapienza will give a seminar...
21 April
Quantum ESPRESSO version 7.2 now av...New features, bug fixes and other improvements have been implemented in this new version.
17 April
Speeding up semiconductor calculati...Researchers at Cnr Nano have developed a groundbreaking computational method that speeds up calculations in two-dimensional semiconductors. This...
21 May to 25 May
ISC High Performance 2023Hamburg (...
22 May to 26 May
YAMBO SCHOOL: Ab initio many-body p...Argiletum...
| MAX TrainingOverview
The aim of this school is to equip students with the essential knowledge, practical skills and computational...
20 March to 23 March
Euro HPC Summit 2023Clarion...
The EuroHPC Summit 2023 will take place on 20-23 March 2023 in Gothenburg in Sweden. Further information can be found on the ...