Training events
18 January to 21 January
Linear Response workshop 201618-21/01/...
| MAX TrainingEvent: Linear Response workshop 2016 [...
Training events
15 December
AiiDA tutorial for the Master in HP...Trieste (...
Event: AiiDA tutorial for the Master in HPC
Where: Trieste (IT)
Who (in-charge): G. Pizzi (EPFL)
What: Tutorial
Training events
02 November to 06 November
AiiDA tutorial and coding daysLausanne...
| MAX TrainingEvent: AiiDA tutorial and coding days [info]
Where: Lausanne (CH...
Training events
01 October
Hackathon: Exploring brand-new tech...ICTP (...
| MaX WorkshopEvent: Hackathon: Exploring brand-new technology
Where: ICTP (Trieste, IT)
Who (in-charge): ICTP, CNR
What: Hackathon
Training events
28 September to 02 October
Density-functional perturbation the...Cordoba (...
Event: Density-functional perturbation theory: response functions, phonoms and all that. Density-functional perturbation theory goes time-...
Training events
14 September
Ab initio modelling in solid state...London...
Event: Ab initio modelling in solid-state chemistry in Crystal Developers [info...
27 June
One day Blender Course @ Modena (IT...A one day Blender course is being held today, 27 June 2019, in Modena (IT).
13 June
MaX European Centre of Excellence (...This is the MaX Press Release for June 2019. As we share the latest update about the project and MaX involvement on the following events and build...
11 June
Fleur Code: Application and uses in...Learn more about Fleur, one of the flagship code suites of...
27 May
NanoInnovation 2019: The cutting-ed...NanoInnovation 2019, an international conference will...
13 May
HPC solving scientific challenges a...Today, the impressive increase of big data exchange is creating new perspectives in term of sharing knowledge, conducting scientific researches...