Training events
11 April to 15 April
Ultra-fast phenomena in quantum phy...Lausanne...
Event: Ultra-fast phenomena in quantum physics: a challenge for theory & experiment [info...
Training events
01 March
AiiDA tutorialKyoto (...
Event: AiiDA tutorial
Where: Kyoto (Japan)
Who (in-charge): G. Pizzi (EPFL)
What: Workshop
When: 1/03/2016
Training events
24 February to 26 February
MHPC Master in High Performance Com...Trieste (...
| MaX WorkshopEvent: MHPC Master in High Performance Computing [info]
Where: Trieste (IT)
Who (in-...
Training events
01 February to 11 February
Density-functional perturbation the......
| MaX WorkshopEvent: Density-functional perturbation theory: response functions, phonoms and all that. Density-functional perturbation theory goes time-...
Training events
25 January to 27 January
Python for Computational ScienceModena (...
| MAX TrainingEvent: Python for Computational Science [info]
Training events
19 January to 22 January
Linear Joint MCC-UKCP-EPCC Workshop...Daresbury...
Event: Linear Joint MCC-UKCP-EPCC Workshop on Ab initio Periodic Codes [info]
Where: Daresbury (UK)
Who (in-charge):
Training events
18 January to 21 January
Linear Response workshop 201618-21/01/...
| MAX TrainingEvent: Linear Response workshop 2016 [...
Training events
15 December
AiiDA tutorial for the Master in HP...Trieste (...
Event: AiiDA tutorial for the Master in HPC
Where: Trieste (IT)
Who (in-charge): G. Pizzi (EPFL)
What: Tutorial
Training events
02 November to 06 November
AiiDA tutorial and coding daysLausanne...
| MAX TrainingEvent: AiiDA tutorial and coding days [info]
Where: Lausanne (CH...
Training events
01 October
Hackathon: Exploring brand-new tech...ICTP (...
| MaX WorkshopEvent: Hackathon: Exploring brand-new technology
Where: ICTP (Trieste, IT)
Who (in-charge): ICTP, CNR
What: Hackathon
Training events
28 September to 02 October
Density-functional perturbation the...Cordoba (...
Event: Density-functional perturbation theory: response functions, phonoms and all that. Density-functional perturbation theory goes time-...
Training events
14 September
Ab initio modelling in solid state...London...
Event: Ab initio modelling in solid-state chemistry in Crystal Developers [info...