09 September 2024

110° Congresso SIF

Held in Bologna, Italy, between 9-13 September 2024, the 110th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society gathers international guests and speakers to talk about the latest research on particle physics, materials science, and quantum science among others.

The event is the occasion for the physics community to share and exchange knowledge about the technological development of the last century, in particular quantum computers, supercomputing and physics applied to biological systems and medicine.

Several MaX partners are attending the congress:

15:00 – 19:30 Simposio sul Supercalcolo Emerging data and computing technologies for frontier physics
: Stefano Baroni (SISSA)

Fabrizio Ferrari Ruffino (SISSA) - "FFTXlib: 3D Fast Fourier Transform for HPC simulations of materials"
Ivan Carnimeo (SISSA) (invited) - “Efficient computation of molecular and materials properties on heterogeneous HPC architectures with the Quantum ESPRESSO suite”

09:00 – 13:30 Sezione II Fisica della materia
Andrea MARINI (CNR) - "Non-adiabatic effects lead to the breakdown of the semi-classical phonon picture"
Fulvio Paleari (CNR-Nano) (invited) - "Probing bound excitons in the T -phase SnS2 monolayer: A theoretical study"
Matteo D'Alessio (CNR-Nano) (invited)- "Excitons in bilayer WTe2"
Giacomo Sesti (CNR-Nano)- "Excitonic instability in narrow-gap carbon nanotubes"
Antimo Marrazzo (SISSA) (invited) - "Computational materials screening beyond high-throughput computing: Accuracy and efficiency through machine learning and post-DFT methods"


15:50 – 19:00 Sezione II Fisica della materia
Pino D'Amico (CNR Nano) (invited) - “Magnetic transparent conductors for spintronics”


Further information: Congresso Nazionale SIF 2024

Press releases: Comunicati stampa (sif.it)