13 March
MaX Newsletter #7 - Enabling frontier HPC in the materials domainDear Readers,
Welcome to the first MaX Newsletter issue of 2025. In this...
13 March
Boosting collective communications with HPCX-MPI in Quantum ESPRESSOMaX team achieves a significant performance improvement in the collective communications of Quantum...
12 February
Turning Red into Blue: Closing the Gender gap on WikipediaWhile the presence of women in science has steadily...
10 February
United to Celebrate Women and Girls in Science: the European Centres of Excellence promote Women’s Talent and Leadership at HiPEAC25The European Centres of Excellence collectively affirmed their commitment to fostering an inclusive environment...
07 February
SIESTA 5.2.2 has been released!MaX is pleased to announce the release of SIESTA 5.2.2 incorporating new features, improvements, and bug fixes...
24 January
European Centres of Excellence promote Women’s Expertise and Leadership in HPC at HiPEACMaX proudly contributed to the success of HiPEAC by hosting two...
30 December
Have you heard? The ‘Supercomputing in Europe’ podcast is live!‘Supercomputing in Europe’ brings together voices from...
18 November
MaX partners gathered in Bremen for their 3rd project meetingSurrounded by the cultural heritage of Bremen, MaX partners engaged in two intensive days of discussions on...
28 October
Highlights from the Second EuroHPC User Day 2024An immersive experience, featuring plenaries and parallel sessions, as...
25 October
Just released! Performance & Scalability of MaX lighthouse codesMaX released its Performance and Scalability brochure, gathering the latest results of the MaX...
08 October
Advancing heat transport theory and numerical simulations in glassesA team of researchers explores the influence of the infrared singularity in the harmonic theory of heat...
25 September
MaX sponsoring the 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM-11)A unique opportunity to exchange latest advancements on...