14 January 2019

Postdoctoral Position Openings @CNR Nano

Several postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze, Modena (IT), within the frame of the MaX - MAterials design at the eXascale - Centre of Excellence.

Ideal candidates have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Materials science or alike, and are highly qualified in electronic structure simulations of materials properties, in particular using Quantum ESPRESSO and Yambo.

They are also experienced with the development of scientific software and/or of the connected theoretical/numerical methodologies. The positions will focus on one or both of the following activities:

  • Software development at the frontiers of HPC (algorithms, performance portability, advanced features);
  • Application of many-body perturbation theory methods to cutting edge scientific problems.

For more information please contact directly

Andrea Ferretti: andrea.ferretti@nano.cnr.it
Daniele Varsano: daniele.varsano@nano.cnr.it