Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code

08 April to 16 April

Virtual school on electronic excita...


| MAX Training

Event: Virtual school on electronic excitations in solids and nanostructures using the Yambo code

When: April 8 and 9 + April 15 and 16,...

17 May to 21 May

Advanced school on Quantum Transpor...


| MAX Training

Event: Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA

When: May 17-21, 2021

Where: online

Who (in-charge): Pablo Ordejon...

07 July to 10 July

AiiDA Virtual Tutorial


| MAX Training

Due to the ongoing safety concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the introductory tutorial to AiiDA...

05 July to 09 July

Introduction to running reproducibl...


| MAX Training

Event: AiiDA School on High-throughput computing

Where: digital event

Who (in-charge): EPFL

What: School

When: July 6-...


04 May to 08 May

First-principles simulations of mat...


| MaX Workshop

NEWS: The school First-principles simulations of materials with SIESTA, initially scheduled in Prague...

Digital Learning

27 April to 30 April

Digital Learning for Electronic Str...

EPFL (...

| MAX Training

NEWS: The "Digital Learning for Electronic Structure Theory Codes" School, initially scheduled in...

23 March to 27 March

Advanced school on Quantum Transpor...


| MAX Training

The Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA code, initially scheduled in San Sebastian 23rd/27th March, ...

17 February to 18 February

Integration of ESL modules into ele...


Event: Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes

Where: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Who: Stefano De...

17 February to 28 February

Integration of ESL modules into ele...


| MAX Training

Event: Integration of ESL modules into electronic-structure codes

Where: CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland

Organizers:  ...

17 February to 21 February

Hackathon: AiiDA plugins and workfl...


Event: Hackathon: AiiDA plugins and workflows

Where: CINECA (Bologna, IT)

Who (in-charge): ICN2, EPFL, CINECA

What: Hackathon...

25 November to 29 November

Hackathon: Domain Specific Librarie...

ITCP -...

| MAX Training

Event: Hackathon Domain Specific Libraries for Material Modelling

Where: ICTP (Trieste, IT)

Who (in-charge): SISSA, ICTP, JUELICH

23 March to 27 March

Advanced school on Quantum Transpor...


| MAX Training

NEWS: The Advanced school on Quantum Transport using SIESTA code,...
