16 September to 20 September

MSSC2019 Summer School


| MaX Workshop

Event: MSSC2019 Summer School [info]

Where: Imperial College (London, GB)


16 September to 20 September

Summer School on Advanced Materials...


| MAX Training

Training material


09 September to 13 September

Picking flowers: Hands-on FLEUR

Juelich (...

| MAX Training

Training material


21 May to 24 May

Tutorial on writing reproducible wo...


| MAX Training

Training material


08 May to 09 May

Lavoisier discussions on “Quantum S...


| MAX Training

Event: Lavoisier discussions on “Quantum Simulation”[info]

Where: ICN2 (ES)

Who (...

25 March to 29 March

AiiDA plugins migration workshop


| MAX Training

Training material


11 February to 15 February

PRACE 15th Advanced School on Paral...

Bologna (...

| MaX Workshop

Event: PRACE 15th Advanced School on Parallel Computing [info]

Where: Bologna (IT)...

10 December

PRACE PCP DAVIDE OpenPower cluster:...

Bologna (...

Event: PRACE PCP DAVIDE OpenPower cluster: user experiences and scientific cases [...

03 December to 05 December

Material Science codes on innovativ...

Bologna (...

| MAX Training

Event: Material Science codes on innovative HPC architectures: from electronic structure to spectra with Quantum ESPRESSO and Yambo [...

16 July to 20 July

MaX Hackathon


| MAX Training

Event: MaX Hackathon [info

Where: Barcelona (ES)

Who (in-charge): D. Varsano...

25 June to 29 June

Path Integral Quantum Mechanics: Fr...


| MaX Workshop

Event: Path Integral Quantum Mechanics: From the Basics to the Latest Developments [info...

20 June to 22 June

Spin-orbit coupling in SIESTA: magn...


| MAX Training

Event: Spin-orbit coupling in SIESTA: magnetism and other capabilities [...
