27 June
One day Blender Course @ Modena (IT...Modena,...
| MAX EventsA one day Blender course is being held today, 27 June 2019, in Modena (IT).
08 July to 10 July
MaX on EMMC-CSA Workshop: Industria...Turin,...
| WebinarThe Politecnico di Torino is organising the workshop on Industrial impact of materials...
10 July to 12 July
MaX – WP1 Meeting @CINECABologna,...
| MAX EventsMaX will hold its first WP1 Meeting...
15 July to 19 July
International Congress on Industria...Valencia...
| MAX EventsICIAM 2019, the 9th International Congress on...
17 September to 20 September
PRACE Autumn school 2019 – Big data...Ljubljana...
| MAX EventsPRACE will organize an Autumn School on "Big data and HPC" from September 17 to...
04 September
Industry and Materials Design at th...Webinar
| WebinarWhat is the state of the art in the computational design of materials for industrial applications...
28 August
From crystals to glasses: a new uni...SISSA scientists, in collaboration with colleagues at the...
29 August
Psi-k Workshop Funding 2020 - 2 day...*** FINAL CALL*** There are only 2 days remaining to submit your funding pre-proposals for workshops...
09 September to 13 September
Picking flowers: Hands-on FLEUR...
| MAX EventsFrom September 9 to 13, 2019 the Forschungszentrum Jülich (DE) will host a tutorial on FLEUR code.
16 September to 20 September
The Department of Chemistry and the Thomas Young Centre at Imperial College London and the Theoretical Chemistry Group...
23 September to 27 September
VASP and AiiDA workshopOslo,...
| MAX EventsOslo, September 23–27 2019.
The workshop is arranged by...
16 September to 18 September
womENcourage 2019: Workshop 2 on “G...The 6th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage 2019 will be held in Rome, Italy...