MAX (MAterials design at the eXascale) is a European Centre of Excellence which enables materials modelling, simulations, discovery and design at the frontiers of the current and future High Performance Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC) and data analytics technologies.
The software developed by MAX is made available to the whole community in open-source form. In this section you can find our main software output and how to obtain it.
Software libraries
Features and algorithms
Impact of MAX flagship codes
MAX addresses the challenges of porting, scaling, and optimising material science application codes for the peta- and exascale platforms in order to deliver best code performance and improve users productivity on the upcoming architectures.
Programming models
Separation of concerns
MAX is committed in supporting data stewardship by adhering to the FAIR-sharing principles. High-quality data is provided both in the format of curated scientific results and raw data, focusing on the tracking of provenance to ensure the full reproducibility of results.
Data at MaX
Complete archived data
Curated data
Data on demand
FAIR data
Facts and Figures
MAX develops and offers services and technical support dedicated to the general public and the expert users from both industry and academia.
Help Desk
High level consultancy
Turn-key materials solutions
Container technology for HPC system
Simulations on premises and in the cloud
Services to the Industry
MAX offers integrated training and education in the field of HPC developments and in the computational materials science domain, including workshops and schools, contributions to University courses and training through research in the CoE labs.
List of workshops & schools
Training through research in the MaX labs
Training materials
The accurate prediction of the time-to-solution required by massively parallel scientific codes is a key goal in HPC. It allows...
Connecting HPC, Quantum & AI Communities: MaX Centre of Excellence...