Investigating adsorption behaviours induced by chemical functionality replacement towards electro-galvanised steel corrosion.


27 May

Investigating adsorption behaviours induced by chemical functionality replacement towards electro-galvanised steel corrosion.

Using both experimental and theoretical approaches, a team of researchers presented new insights for rational...

The Future of Scientific Computing: A Global Perspective


20 May

The Future of Scientific Computing: A Global Perspective

ICTP celebrates its 60th anniversary with an International Symposium to discuss the impact of artificial...

CASTIEL 2, EuroCC2 and CoE All Hands Meeting (AHM)


16 May

CASTIEL2, EuroCC2, and CoE "All Hands Meeting" (AHM)

Representatives from NCCs, CoEs, and all CASTIEL2 gather in Slovakia...

Machine learning modalities for materials science


13 May to 17 May

Machine learning modalities for materials science

Supported by MAX, the workshop gathers introductory lectures, hands-on tutorials, invited talks, industry talks,...


08 May

PWTK: a scripting interface for Quantum ESPRESSO

The tutorial on PWTK will be held online between 20-24 May 2024.

The HANAMI project officially kicked off in Paris on April 23.


02 May

European-Japanese Collaboration in High-Performance Computing Kicks Off with HANAMI Project

The HANAMI project officially kicked off in Paris on April 23.


26 March

CASTIEL2 Communication workshop

On Friday, 22 March 2024, CASTIEL2 hosted a Communication workshop...


26 March

Women in the eXascale era

February 11 marked the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.


26 March

MAX and CoEs drive European supercomputing forward at EuroHPC Summit 2024

Together with fellow Centers of Excellence (CoEs), MAX participated in the EuroHPC Summit week 2024.  

Featured image


13 March

Unveiling the Influence of Self-Interaction on Dissolved Electron Behavior in Molten Salts

A team of researchers reveals self-interaction effects on dissolved electrons in molten salts, advancing...


12 March

Investigating Luminescence in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Examining Exciton-Phonon Interaction and Substrate Influence

A team of researchers investigated the optical response of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (m-hBN) using a...
