20 May
ISC 2019: the event for High-Performance Computing, networking and storageMaX was invited to join the ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2019 ...
13 May
HPC solving scientific challenges and creating new skills and jobs - Find out more at the EuroHPC Summit Week 2019, Poznan May 2019Today, the impressive increase of big data exchange is creating new perspectives in term of sharing knowledge, conducting scientific researches...
09 May
HPC for Industry 4.0A 3-days workshop aims to present the state-of-the-art of Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular, presenting methods and techniques that might...
03 May
Quantum ESPRESSO an integrated suite of Open-Source computer codesLearn more of one of the MaX's flagship code - the ...
24 April
MaX CoE Cooperation on EOSC-hub Week 2019The Materials design at eXascale (MaX) is one of the High-Performance...
10 April
Pathways for EOSC-hub and MaX collaborationOn 10-12 April 2019 at the Vienna House Diplomat in Prague, Czech Republic, the 2nd ...