04 February
Lead Towards Transition to eXascale TechnologiesProf. Elisa Molinari, MaX Director at CNR Nano at Modena in Italy, the...
04 February
Lead Towards Transition to eXascale TechnologiesAt the recent Kick-off Meeting, last 13 to 14 of December 2018 in Modena, Italy, marked the launch of the European...
28 January
A Centre for Molecular Modelling for the development of MaX codesProf. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of...
28 January
A Centre for Molecular Modelling for the development of MaX codesProf. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of...
22 January
On the path to materials design and beyond eXascale: Prof. Nicola Marzari on MaXProf. Nicola Marzari holds the Chair of Theory and Simulation of Materials at EPFL, where he is also...
14 January
Postdoctoral Position Openings @CNR NanoSeveral postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze, Modena (IT...
14 January
Postdoctoral Position Openings @CNR NanoSeveral postdoctoral position openings at CNR Istituto Nanoscienze, Modena (IT), within the...
14 January
Yambo and QE developers meeting. January 14, 2019Within the MaX framework, On January 14 Yambo and QE developers will meet at CINECA to discuss common strategies to implement advanced algorithms ...
The school "Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials using the Yambo code" was held at the International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP)...
The accurate prediction of the time-to-solution required by massively parallel scientific codes is a key goal in HPC. It allows...