Marconi on the path to exascale


18 February

Marconi on the path to exascale

Researchers from MaX European Centre of Excellence, Carlo Cavazzoni (...


13 February

PRESS RELEASE: The path to materials design and beyond eXascale starts with the launch of MaX European Centre of Excellence (CoE)

December 2018 marks the launch of the European partnership project entitled: MaX - “...


12 February

Leading MaX in eXascale-ready Scientific Software Development

Andrea Ferretti works for CNR Nano Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle...


06 February

Open positions @CINECA

Job Opening @HPC Department in CINECA.



06 February

Open positions @CINECA

Up to three new job positions have opened for working at HPC Department in CINECA...


04 February

Lead Towards Transition to eXascale Technologies

Prof. Elisa Molinari, MaX Director at CNR Nano at Modena in Italy, the...


04 February

Lead Towards Transition to eXascale Technologies

At the recent Kick-off Meeting, last 13 to 14 of December 2018 in Modena, Italy, marked the launch of the European...


28 January

A Centre for Molecular Modelling for the development of MaX codes

Prof. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of...


28 January

A Centre for Molecular Modelling for the development of MaX codes

Prof. Stefaan Cottenier is a professor at the materials science division of the Faculty of...
